Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Vintage Me: High School

VINTAGE ME is a series I started in June while I was away at the Type-A Parent conference in Asheville, NC and I'm continuing it this week while I am attending BlogHer '11 in San Diego, CA.

My challenge to you? Find the most awkward photo of you and be ready to post it the week of August 8th. I'll have a Linky here and there will be prizes for the most awkward winners. 

That's me in the plaid pants lounging on the floor on the far left. I'm sure there have to be far more embarrasing pictures of me from drama in high school, but I can't seem to find them (well, except for the ones I'm posting tomorrow). The best part of this picture is that my mom TOLD me not to wear those pants, because there were my favorite. And, I was all what could possibly happen and umm....I came down a ladder and stepped in a gallon of paint is exactly what happened. Moms! Go figure sometimes they're right.

Being from Michigan, every year my high school would take a bus full of interested kids to Stratford in Canada for a Shakespeare production. You'd think there would be a ton of drama kids, but I think that we were always outnumbered by the English classes. I can't remember the show this year, but I'm thinking it was Twelfth Night. I'm the one crouched down in front (in black). The annual trip is one of my favorite memories from high school. I'd love to take Liam there some day.

Because I wasn't hippy-ish at all (cough, cough) here is a picture of me at my graduation party from high school.

Graduation from high school. I'm on the far right! Except for connecting with one of these ladies on Facebook last year I haven't heard from any of them since that day. Crazy how life happens like that.

Check back tomorrow for more VINTAGE ME posts!

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