
Born and raised in the mid-west, I moved out East in the late 90's for an internship and never looked back. 

I met my husband in 2003 and in 2005 made the big move to B'more to be closer to him. I love Baltimore and all it has to offer although I didn't really get to know the town or the people until my son was born.

I'm a big fan of doing somewhat ridiculous stuff for a short period of time. I ran 2 marathons of which one was the Marine Corp. Marathon.

I trapezed for a summer and then moved on to something else.

I was in a rhythm tap company with some great women for a few years called, Tappening.

Now, I stay home with my son during the days so that I can witness all of his ridiculous cuteness.

Leaving me working nights and weekends to keep my foot in the professional world.

And, should we ever meet, I can be very easily bribed with a nice, fresh Diet Coke.

I'd love to hear from you!

Email: havestrollerwilltravel at gmail dot com
Twitter: @AlissaEnders
Facebook: Have Stroller Will Travel


  1. I caught you on the Clever Girls video, and just had to give you a shout out. Totally, totally rad.


  2. Thanks Jessi! Glad you stopped by and that you liked the video too. It was fun to make.

  3. Hi Alissa, I just started "following" you officially, though I've been a fan for a while. I've awarded you a "Liebster Blog" award- you can read about it here: http://fourunder4plustwo.blogspot.com/2011/11/warm-fuzzy-feeling-to-pay-forward-in.html


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