Monday, November 28, 2011

Pay It Forward {Day 28/Year 2}

It doesn't cost a dime to say THANKS and yet if you are anything like me you are far more likely to send a note when things go wrong than when things go right.

It's easy to ask for a manager and compliment someone, but writing a nice letter about extraordinary customer service or kindness is really great too.

We love the local nature center. 

We go there often for everything from camping and campfire tales to weekly storytimes and craft hours. Every week the programs become stronger, more diverse and engaging. So, today I wrote a letter complimenting one of our favorite Naturalists. She's great with the kids and always greets Liam with such warmth and love. A few weeks ago when we were geo-caching there I ran into the loo, when she fond out he was outside she ran out to chat with him before leading a canoe tour. 

I love that she goes the extra mile not only for us, but for everyone who visits the center.

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