Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pay It Forward {Day 22/Year 2}

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you have been a student in a classroom at least once in your life before.

Then, I'm going to assume that at some point you have had a really sucky teacher or two or three.

Am I right?

But, I'm also willing to bet that at some point in your tenure as a student you had one or two or three supremely amazing teachers.

I know I did.

Now, enter Katie Sluiter of Sluiter Nation. You might remember her from when she posted her 9/11 story here a few months ago. Not only is she an incredibly talented and awesome blogger, she's also a teacher that goes above and beyond to give her students amazing quality experiences. She is one of those amazing teachers. So when you go out shopping this holiday season be it on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday or any day between now and the end of the year why don't you pick up a little something off her list here or here (scroll to the Ss).

She's not asking for a million bucks. She's asking for simple things like boxes of crayons/markers or scissors and glue sticks.

Katie's making a difference everyday in the lives of young people.

Take a moment and pay it forward to her and her students this holiday season.

I know I will be.

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