Saturday, November 27, 2010

PIF: Day Twenty-Seven

Pay It Forward; Day Twenty-Seven

Little Dude and I spent the entire day together, yay! We went to a baby shower, where he behaved like a star. At one point during lunch he asked the hostess if he could play the piano (pee-nano) and she graciously said that he could. So, I told him for "one-minute" he could play and he didn't smash-crash-pound-pound-pound, no, he gently tink'd the keys and serenaded us with the alphabet. Talk about turning on the "cute"! Way to go little man!

Then, we went to an annual fundraiser for an area children's clinic. It's a huge today at the State Fairgrounds and attracted loads of people out. There is an admission fee and almost everything inside has a fee too, but it all goes to such a wonderful cause. We had some leftover tickets from the children's area and sought out another young boy about Liam's age to give them to. Hooray!

On another note, we were in the putt-putt golf section when at the second hole it became apparent that we were between to young sisters. So, I approached the younger girl (behind us) and told her she could go ahead of us so they could do it together. I spoke to both girls for a few minutes and reassured them that it was completely fine with us. At which point their mother came over and bawled me out for talking to her children, because NO ONE TALKS TO HER CHILDREN WITHOUT HER PERMISSION!!!!! It's the first time in this experiment that I've gotten flack for trying to be kind. So, I guess I saw it as a test, was I going to let that put me in a bad mood?? No, we had a fabulous time! :) I hope her day/night got better from there.

Make sure to keep note of your random acts of kindness as the first 30 readers to share theirs will be "sweetly" rewarded on November 30. So, make a note to check back in on November 30.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh too bad you got bawled out, but all the other shining moments of the day were awesome!! Usually when you are obviously a mom other moms are ok with that you talking to their kids- weird!


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