Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart

A healthy child. A faithful husband. Loving parents and in-laws. Enough money to get by. A roof over our heads. Stackable washer and dryer. Coke Zero. Chick-Fil-A. Best friends. Phenomenal co-workers. Blog friends. Baseball caps. Purple ink pens. Disney movies. 70-degree days in November. Daisies. Chocolate. My hand-made purple scarf. My rosemary plant. My grandmas. My voice.

These are just a few things I'm thankful for this year. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Check out more of what Jen has to say at Hey, Y'all.


  1. I appreciate that your rosemary plant made the list! We went on a trip to VT and stayed at a rental house, she had a ginormous rosemary plant! I had no idea they got so big! Now I want one that grows that big. Rosemary is wonderful!

  2. Hooray for Blog friends and 70-degree weather in November.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


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