Saturday, May 7, 2011

Graduation Dreams

When I graduated from High School I would never have imagined that my life would turn out as it has. For one, I took an actual typing class--not a computer class. Who knew that one day I would be blogging??

I also thought I'd be living in New York or LA. I had no idea that I would be an interpreter, live in the Baltimore/DC Metro area, be married or have kids.

Here's what I hope for Liam come graduation day in June of 2027.

I hope that he graduates at or near the top of his class because although grades are not everything, they do open doors. Doors to colleges, to opportunities, to a certain level of respect from peers and educators and most critically to scholarships which will be key to him attending his school of choice.

Speaking of which, I hope he goes away to school and stays in the dorms. Although I moved away to school I stayed off campus, 30 minutes away and it's something I always wish I had done differently. I wish I had had the myriad of experiences that happen from staying in close quarters with co-eds.

I also hope that he has a close knit group of friends that stay with him for the rest of his life. I think there is something incredibly valuable in having people around you have always known you.

Lastly, I hope he continues to have an incredible sense of self. Even though he's only 3--on the playground and at activities that we participate in he has a very strong sense of himself. Just the other day he had his school picnic where he wanted to play in the dirt with sticks, stones, leaves, etc. He was more than happy to play with other kids who wanted to join him, but when they went back to the playground he just kept on doing what he was already having a good time doing. I love that he stays true to himself.

Past graduation I hope that he finds a job that he loves, and a person that he can't live without. I hope he knows happiness and success in ways that we haven't even imagined.

No matter what happens we'll always be there for him and support him no matter what. And, we'll probably make a big deal about just everything wonderful that happens in life for him.

The great folks at Tiny Prints are all about making celebrations as happy and as festive as possible. They sponsored this post with the ever so fast approaching graduation season in mind. If you know someone who will be celebrating a graduation this year, make sure to check them out.

Tiny Prints provides stylish, modern and unique graduation stationery including graduation announcements, graduation invitations, and thank you cards for teens. When graduation season has come and gone Tiny Prints will still be here to fill all your stationary needs with their exclusive designs from the nation's top designers. You'll find summer party invitations, personalized greeting cards, thank you cards, business cards, and even custom wedding invitations. Come try the easy cared personalization, powerful preview engine and top-notch customer service and paper quality for yourself! With Tiny Prints by your side commemorating every holiday and momentous occasion is a cinch!

[Disclosure: This opportunity was made available to me by Global Influence. Tiny Prints compensated me for this sponsored post. The opinions expressed in this sponsored post are mine and mine alone and were in no way influenced by Tiny Prints or Global Influence.]

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