Thursday, March 10, 2011

Capture the Everyday: Your Kid's Favorite Toy

Every Thursday I'll be participating in "Capture the Everyday" with Melissa and friends over at Adventuroo. Here's what she has to say about it. Come play with us!

"Capture the Everyday is about getting you to capture those everyday moments in your life! Each Thursday, I’ll issue a simple challenge to capture something that’s a part of your daily life. You can post just a picture or add some words to go along with it. You’ll have a week to get it done and then I’ll issue another. It’s a quick, easy way to start capturing those little parts of life we sometimes take for granted."

Ladies and gentleman, I'd like to formally introduce you to "Crunchy Dino".

He's been a member of our family since this past Christmas, when my mom gave him to Liam as a present. I would never have guessed that he'd have the role in our family that he does. Every day Liam feeds him at least some of his breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as a snack or two. He knows he has to pretend to feed him things like yogurt, jello and drinks. But, we (and by we I mean I, not sure if the hubs does) let him feed him pieces of bagel, goldfish and other easy to remove objects.

The little leg in the middle is actually a trigger which makes him chomp and Liam always makes sure he "chomps" up all of his food.

He's a good little dino, mild mannered, doesn't make much of a mess and goes down for the night without a fuss. So, I hope he sticks around for many years to come.

What toys do your kids love playing with?


  1. I totally let him feed things to Crunchy Dino. Dinos have to eat too, you know? The other night when we were making the shell pasta, Crunchy Dino ate a bunch of uncooked shells, and apparently really liked them.


  2. Now THAT'S funny. Love his big ole head. My son has a pink bear that sometimes gets "fed" as well.

    Thanks for linking up!

  3. Cute! You're a good mommy for letting Liam "feed" his dino actual foods. I couldn't do the same... I absolutely despise crumbs! Big hugs to you and your dino pet :)

  4. Oh my gosh, that's hilarious! Does he ever make it "talk," too? 'Cause I could totally see my kids doing that. :)

  5. Ha ha! Funny how little ones like to "feed" their toys! My son likes to feed his Elmo toy, and so it usually can be found with crumbs in it's mouth. Yay. :P

  6. My son is crazy for dinosaurs and he has completely passed it on to his little sister. She's all about cars, dinosaurs and other "boy" things... because she's a super-tough two year old :).

  7. He hasn't tried to make him "talk"...yet. But, he does "crunch" absolutely anything he can get his mouth around.

    I love that other kids have things that they "feed" to.

  8. Is it wrong to say that dino looks totally bizarre? But kids pick the strangest things to become enamored with.

  9. My little L is into dinos as well. And trains. We just got her some of the interactive Dinosaur Train dinos for Christmas...they chomp and stomp and talk to each other. They each get fed a little bit during afternoon/evening snack time as well.

  10. We have the t-rex from Toy Story and my son feeds him imaginary food. I guess with those short arms he needs all the help he can get!

  11. Love crunchy dino! And that shot is really cool.

  12. Very cool. They have a bunch of different animals like this at our local zoo. Crunchy tiger, anyone?

  13. Awesome! Love how he's practically a member of the family. Kinda feels that way with my kids' favorite toys too.

  14. @ all.things.fadra" Bizarre is totally an acceptable label.

    @ Charisse: I just saw those Dino Train guys that talk to each other in the store the other day.

    @ Mommy This and Thant: Crunchy Tiger sounds like some kind of super-earthy granola to me. I like it.

    @ Kelli: Totally a member of the family.


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