Sunday, November 14, 2010

PIF: Day Fourteen

Pay It Forward: Day Fourteen

I made a donation tonight to an organization that I have long intended to give to. I gave to the International Cesarean Awareness Network, so that other woman may know different experiences than mine.



  1. Good for you. I read your related post. I had no idea. That's good info to pass on to our child bearing comrades. --Julia

  2. I'm catching up on your blog while I nurse Cameron at 3am and thinking of how grateful I am for what you taught me about ICAN. I learned of ICAN through our conversation at Liam's birthday party in June. With 4 months to go in the pregnancy, I started from scratch to make a more informed decision about a VBAC vs repeat c-section.I sought support from ICAN and used their resources to help me make the right decision for me. I was reading their stories to help encourage me right up until the day I delivered. I'm thankful to you for passing along the ICAN info that gave me the strength to make and get through a really tough decision. I'll always remember that and be grateful and I'm trying to do the same for other women! Thank you Alissa! You didn't realize you were paying it forward way back then!

  3. @ Amanda: Awesome. That brought tears to my eyes. So glad I could share and that they helped you make the right decision for you and your family. :)


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