Crystal and I became acquainted on Twitter where you can follow her too @CrystalC2B. Today she joins us to talk about her new project on her blog No Time To Nap. Please take a moment to check out her blog, tweet her or leave a comment here.
Hello Have Stroller Will Travel Readers!
I blog at No Time to Nap, about all the things I should be doing or am doing when there is a nap to be had. One topic near and dear to my heart is my Happiness Project that I began in January. After reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project (now in paperback, if you didn't know!) last year I was super inspired to do my own project this year.
A big part of doing your own Happiness Project is defining why you are doing one; perhaps you have a specific area of your life you are not happy with. More likely, you have taken a good hard look at yourself and realized that there are some behaviours and habits you have that you want to get rid of; at least, that's how it worked for me.
The first thing I did after asking myself the same questions Gretchen asked herself was to think about my resolutions. As they apply to your Happiness Project resolutions are really more monthly/daily goals you are working towards. In my case; January was an organization month, I researched and made up a weekly schedule and house cleaning list. Since I was setting myself up to be happier I kept it pretty low key and was happy if I accomplished two things I scheduled per day.
Keeping track of my daily goals has been a bit of a struggle for me. By emailing Gretchen I was able to see the sheets she made up for herself to create accountability for herself. Since I hadn't decided on a hardcopy version of my tracking sheets I started off using Awesome Note for my iPod Touch. Now I've made a physical copy of resolution tracking so I'm slowly catching up from the notes I made.
I'd like to thank Alissa for having me guest post and invite you all over to my blog if you have any questions about my Happiness Project.