Friday, September 17, 2010

Battle of the Poo

So, I've posted about this epic battle my neighbors are waging on our front lawn in other mediums. But, I thought since I now have dog poo all over my car again, I'd wage it here.

We are the only people in our row of town homes who do NOT own a dog and yet somehow mysteriously we end up having dog poo in our yard. It appears to be spontaneously appearing more and more frequently these days. And, my curious toddler steps in it without me noticing and before I know's all over him, all over me, the carseat and the back of the passenger seat. Ugh.

So here's what I leave dog remnants in my front yard? I leave diapers in yours.

It only seems fair.


  1. Just did a google image search for: dog poop sign and found this...

    Looks good to me!

  2. I love the sign jamielynnlynn found.

  3. I too love the sign. Good stuff!

  4. Excellent idea! You could write on the diaper "A Diaper of Doo Doo in exchange for a pile of puppy poo poo."


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